Sep 10, 2006 Points 4,880 Posts 950 Installed Image Merlin Box Type DM 7020HD DM 8000HD external Storage USB-Stick HDD NFS. How to start: Start with a click on « Network ». Select your language. Select your connection type. The IP address from the PC tracks down automatically. The IP address from the Dreambox can be put in manually or there can be searched for automatically. Select the equipment of your Dreambox: Hard disk, CF or USB-Stick. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators.
hi people im using dm500s with darkstar 2 image
usually it works fine with Dreambox-CCcamconfig-Editor but recently cant connect to server
when trying to put new cline on box
could be my new router be the problem?
i checked router and dhcp is enabled
so i open dremabox control center
when i clik on direct crossover it says error 10057
when i cliked on switch/hub pc gooes green hub green but dreambox red says check ip dreambox i checked and its correct
when i cliked router and reconnect it error 10057
wat should i do next/
Citrix Socket Error 10057

Are you trying to connect with dreambox control center? If so you connect over the network, not a direct connection with a serial cable. Have you checked the ip address is correct? Click the search tab in DCC to scan the network for the correct ip. Wat blijft is 'checking Netwerk', terwijl het balkje, tussen de afbeeldingen van PC en Dreambox, WEL groen is. Onderaan zijn de blokjes van FTP connected en Telnet connected ook gewoon groen. Als ik dan links op FTP klik, komt alles te zien van de schijf in de laptop maar.

Error 10057 Dreambox Control Center E2
usually it works fine with Dreambox-CCcamconfig-Editor but recently cant connect to server
when trying to put new cline on box
could be my new router be the problem?
i checked router and dhcp is enabled
so i open dremabox control center
when i clik on direct crossover it says error 10057
when i cliked on switch/hub pc gooes green hub green but dreambox red says check ip dreambox i checked and its correct
when i cliked router and reconnect it error 10057
wat should i do next/