- Explore the world of Game of Thrones! An interactive Google Maps style webapp.
- This is a map of the world depicted in the novel series A Song of Ice & Fire and the TV adaptation, A Game of Thrones.The website is designed to display useful information on top of the map layer and link to additional details on the Westeros.org wiki site.
Game Of Thrones' Westeros and the lands beyond the narrow sea make for a big world, but artist J.E. Fullerton has rendered the entirety in an amazingly detailed map full to the brim with world.
A Minecraft Server
WesterosCraft is faithfully recreating the world of Game of Thrones
Game Of Thrones Map 3d
over 1.5 billion blocks placed over 7.5 square miles
as seen in
Ready to explore Westeros?
Get our launcher and start your journey
Westeros is home to over 500 cities, castles, and landmarks. Our goal is to construct them all. With over 300 completed so far, our community is well on our way to having a fully explorable map. You can keep up with our progress in game anytime, or start exploring our expansive Wiki.
Game Of Thrones Map Pdf

- Winterfell
- King's Landing
- Lannisport
- Highgarden
- Pyke
- View progress
- View wiki