- Cooper Transformer Serial Number Lookup
- Abb Transformer Serial Number Lookup
- Wagner Transformer Serial Number Lookup

Cooper Transformer Serial Number Lookup
Note: Around serial number 20000, Hammond assigned a block of serial numbers to the decorator cabinets in the A-100 series (A-101/102/105/122/143 etc.). This has caused owners to wrongly attribute the age of their instrument when based solely on the serial number, and consequently, many of the serial numbers reflected in the age list for this. Put here a software name you are looking serial numbers for, i.e windows xp or internet download manager and press search button then, please, don't add serial, keygen and so on to the search ABBYY PDF TRANSFORMER v2, 100 records found.
This info. was posted over on XDA regarding interpretation of the serial numbers. No idea if it's correct, but apparently this info. is located somewhere on the Asus website. Maybe this will come in handy in the future for finding a trend in reliability vs. serial #
From their website:
ASUS products have serial numbers that are 10 - 15 digits long. They have the following format:
1st digit: Year Manufactured (last digit of the year) (0 may be represented. by 'A')
2nd digit: Month Manufactured (1-9, A-C)
3rd digit: Product code ('N' for notebook, 'M' for motherboard, etc.)
So 'C1' TFPs are manufactured in Jan 2012, and 'BC' ones were mfg'd in Dec 2011.
Abb Transformer Serial Number Lookup
Wagner Transformer Serial Number Lookup
I'm new to the site and been reading different posts regarding the Transformers and their serial numbers.
I had a prime for about a week and returned it because the screen was awful on it. I didn't get a chance to check its number, either. I was originally going to swap it out but Best Buy didn't have any more in. So, I was going to wait for the new 700 series, but I'm not so sure if it's worth the extra hundred.
I called Best Buy this morning and they received one in and I'm thinking of picking it up, but was wondering of theres a serial number of new batches I should look out for.
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