Full Studio 11.1 full 32/64 Bit installer (356MB) (2014/07/14) Patch FL Studio 11 (any version) to 11.1 32/64 Bit update installer (116MB) See the 64 Bit FAQ here. NOTE: To use the update installer you need to know where your current FL Studio 11 is installed. So, right-click the FL Studio icon, select 'Properties' 'Shortcut' tab 'Open File. After your Wasp Software has been installed you might get a prompt to Register or Enter Your Activation Key. Registration must be done on our main website. You are required to first register an account for our main website www.waspbarcode.com.
After your Wasp Software has been installed you might get a prompt to Register or Enter Your Activation Key. Registration must be done on our main website.
You are required to first register an account for our main website www.waspbarcode.com. This account is different from the account you might have at our tech support website support.waspbarcode.com. Once signed into the website account you can register software for your account. After registering your software the activation key will be automatically emailed.
Follow the steps below to register for a website and account and your Wasp Barcode Technologies software:
1. Go to http://www.waspbarcode.com/support/product-registration
2. If you have already created an account in the registration/Sales system on our site click Login in to log into your account and skip to step 4. Note: This is not the same as the Tech Support system.

Click Create New Account to create an account.
3. Submitting the form will create the account and allow you to register Software.

Wasp Engineering V2.0.0.121 (7 Downloads) - Zedload
Note 1: The company name must be 30 or fewer characters.

Note 2: Although it isn't marked, the State field is required; use the 2-letter abbreviation. Customers outside the US can enter any state, for example NY.

4. Once signed into your account, click Register your Product under My Products.
Wasp Identification Chart - Adkins Bee Removal
5 Fill out the form to register your Wasp Software. The activation key will be emailed to you.