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Halo 3 is the climactic finale for the original Halo FPS trilogy, often considered one of the most popular and successful series of all time. Similar to other modern FPS games like Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Destiny, Halo 3 offers both a stunning campaign and explosive online multiplayer. Set in the distant future, this sci-fi adventure sees humanity battling for survival against an invasive alien species known as the Covenant, as well as parasitic creatures called the Flood. With odds stacked against them, it's up to the super-soldier Master Chief to save humanity and end the war for good. With an iconic story mode and endlessly fun multiplayer, it's obvious why Halo 3 is one of the most popular FPS games of all time.
Main Game Features
Halo 4 NEXT: 58 views. INFORMATION 4 months ago released. Categories: Action. Watch Dogs 2 – Gold Edition. Wasteland 3 – Digital Deluxe Edition. COMMENTS Make a comment! NAME: E-MAIL: BY GAME DEVELOPER. BY RELEASE YEAR. BY RELEASE MONTH CATEGORIES. Action; Adventure; First Person; Open. Download Now Halo 3 For PC Game Download Torrent Full Halo 3 For PC Download is a capturing struggle sport of robotic creatures. That is designed and developed through the recreation company “Bungie.” It’s the 0.33 basic version of the “Halo” game. The Bungie game developer created this recreation for an appropriate Xbox 360 gaming.
- Solo or cooperative campaign mode
- Addictive online multiplayer
- Custom map creator
In Halo 3's main story campaign, players control Master Chief, a super-soldier in the United Nations Space Command military. Taking place in the distant future, Master Chief must save Earth from total destruction after a religious pact of aliens known as the Covenant invades the planet. Following a religious prophecy, the Covenant plans to activate a series of weaponized rings known as Halos, which eradicate all organic lifeforms in a set solar-system. After the events of the first two Halo games, Master Chief saddles up with a few ex-Covenant officers and aims to take down the leaders of the Covenant before they destroy Earth. Although it's straightforward in its presentation, Halo 3 has a dense and intriguing narrative with plenty of lore to learn. While it might be a bit convoluted for some, sci-fi fans will surely appreciate this epic tale of intergalactic war.
Halo 3 continues the series trend of offering exhilarating, futuristic combat on a huge scale. Over the course of the main campaign's 10 levels, you'll drive tanks, fight in space, and participate in giant battles. There's a wide variety of weapons to wield, including both human and alien guns. Human guns range from shotguns and pistols to snipers and assault rifles, while the alien weaponry gets a bit more experimental. Halo 3 also introduces equipment items, which are handy one-time-use abilities. You can set up a protective bubble shield, place explosive trip mines, pop out an anti-gravity lift, and more.
This exciting FPS gameplay translates well into Halo 3's multiplayer modes, which can be enjoyed both online and locally. There's a decent variety of match-types, including classic Deathmatch variants, objective modes like Capture the Flag, and more. In the new Forge mode, players can also create custom multiplayer maps, expressing their creativity with a bounty of useful map-making tools. Forge maps are great for private matches with friends, making up your own game modes, and experimenting with wacky ideas.
Although Halo 3's main campaign is shorter than some of the previous entries in the franchise, it makes up for it with some truly entertaining multiplayer modes and a brand new map creator tool. The shooting mechanics feel refined and weighty, giving a visceral and exciting tone to battles. New weapons and items keep the playing field fresh, so Halo franchise veterans won't feel any amount of repetition.
Halo 3 stands out as one of the best entries in the entire franchise, thanks to its addictive multiplayer and climactic campaign.
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- Excellent arsenal of weapons and gadgets
- Addictive and fun multiplayer modes
- Forge creations are unique
Halo 3 Torrent
- Campaign feels short
- Lack of multiplayer progression
- Occasional rough difficulty spikes